
2020年10月20日 | 点击次数:



报告承办单位: 数学与统计学院

报告题目:  Solving Multi-linear Systems with M-Tensors

报告人姓名:  魏益民

报告内容This talk is concerned with solving some structured multi-linear systems, especially focusing on the equations whose coefficient tensors are M-tensors, or called M-equations for short. We prove that a nonsingular M-equation with a positive right-hand side always has a unique positive solution. Several iterative algorithms are proposed for solving multi-linear nonsingular M-equations, generalizing the classical iterative methods and the Newton method for linear systems. Furthermore, we apply the M-equations to some nonlinear differential equations and the inverse iteration for spectral radii of nonnegative tensors.

报告人所在单位: 复旦大学

报告人职称/职务及学术头衔:  教授、博导

报告时间:  202010月22(星期四):9:30-10:30

报告方式:  线上腾讯会议,会议号ID625-636-682

报告人简介:  魏益民,复旦大学教授,博士生导师;教育部非线性数学模型与方法重点实验室和上海市现代应用数学重点实验室的研究人员。2000.92001.6访问美国哈佛大学和麻省理工学院,担任高访学者。2002 年起担任美国《数学评论》的评论员。荣获2008 年度“上海高校优秀青年教师”称号;2008年入选上海市“曙光”学者。